Swift 2 by Example by Giordano Scalzo
Swift 2 by Example Giordano Scalzo ebook
Format: pdf
Publisher: Packt Publishing, Limited
Page: 406
ISBN: 9781785882920
Collection of solutions for common iOS questions, all written for Swift 2. The definitive guide to Swift, Apple's new programming language for building iOS , OS X, watchOS, and tvOS apps. This tutorial picks up where the second Swift 2 tutorial left off. The definitive guide to Swift, Apple's new programming language for building iOS , OS In the example above, the compiler infers that myVariable is an integer . How to run code on the main thread using dispatch_async() – Swift 2.0 example code. Directions using MKMapView and MKDirectionsRequest – Swift 2.0 example code. How to play sounds using AVAudioPlayer. How to count objects in a set using NSCountedSet. NSRegularExpression: How to match regular expressions in strings – Swift 2.0 For example, if we wanted to pull "Taylor Swift" out of the string "My name is Taylor collection of solutions for common iOS questions, all written for Swift 2. For example, the following code throws an error to indicate that five additional coins are . For more information, see Hacking with Swift tutorial 17. For more information, see Hacking with Swift tutorial 12. How to run SKActions in a sequence. Now with Swift 2, you can extend a protocol as well. Swift Knowledge Base: There are 10 articles in this category. How to save user settings using NSUserDefaults. For more information, see Hacking with Swift tutorial 14.